Neighborhood Watch Committee

By Charles Foster, Chair Cluster continues to be a safe community as indicated by the absence of serious crime reported in the immediate area. Two of our residents suffered theft from an auto over the summer months; however, there have been no further incidents reported this year. Unfortunately, our common area has been plagued by vandalism (the bollard lights) and littering. Crime, in general, tends to decline when school is back in session and the weather cools. Recently reported crime in the immediate area continues to be concentrated at the Safeway. Crimes recently reported at that address include shoplifting, simple assault and disorderly conduct.

Although a small number of our residents have been formally trained by the Fairfax County Police Department on the duties and responsibilities associated with a Neighborhood Watch Program, all residents share the responsibility of keeping our community safe. As we all know, The Department of Homeland Security coined the phrase, “See Something, Say Something.”  It encourages all citizens to be on the lookout for suspicious activity. A simple change in mindset can make a big difference. As you go about your daily routine in the cluster (e.g., walking a dog, walking to the shopping center, or driving in or out of the cluster), you can take an added second or two to lift your eyes and observe your surroundings. Looking out for our neighbors lowers the likelihood of any one of us suffering the problems associated with criminal activity.

The Fairfax County Police Department offers several activities for residents that wish to learn more about how to prevent crime in our community.

Home Security Survey: A police officer will inspect your locks, doors and windows. The survey also will include evaluating exterior lighting, landscaping and other factors affecting risk exposure. Afterwards, the officer will make recommendations for improving home security.

Property Identification: A police officer will instruct you on how to properly mark your property so that it can be identified and how to make an inventory of your valuables. Property identification discourages thieves and makes fencing of stolen property more difficult.

Neighborhood Watch Training: A police officer will train you in how to safely and effectively identify and report suspicious activity in our neighborhood.

If you are interested in any of these activities, please contact Chuck Foster at

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