I Love Lakeport Day

Please mark your calendars for “I Love Lakeport Day” on September 17. The morning will be devoted to improving Lakeport landscaping, and the evening will provide the opportunity for Lakeport families to gather to celebrate our special community as we transition to fall. 

The day will start with coffee and bagels at 9:00 a.m. in Triangle Park before volunteers head off to help with piling up dead trees and limbs so Blade Runners can haul them off, trimming bushes, and a couple of other projects. If you are willing to help, please email msapp@miami.edu

Then at 5:00 p.m., plan to gather at the Lakeport dock for a cookout and pot-luck dinner. Lakeport will provide hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, and non-alcoholic beverages; residents and owners are asked to bring a dessert, salad, or other side dish to share plus an adult beverage (if you’d prefer that). Volunteers will be needed to help set up tables and clean up afterward. You’ll be emailed evites to indicate whether you plan to attend, what you plan to bring, and if you can help with set-up and clean-up. You can also email sbfriedel@gmail.com to volunteer or if you have questions.

Read the Social Committee and Landscape Committee articles in this edition of Ripples for more details. We hope to see all of you there!

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful idea!! Is there a rain date if need be?
