Landscape Committee

 By Mary Sapp, Chair 

  • Riverbend Landscapes & Tree Service will be here to soon remove a live black locust tree, one dead oak tree, and the dead half of a chestnut oak tree, and to trim six other trees. They are also doing some work for a few owners who contacted them directly.  
  • A productive Spring Workday was held May 11. Rich Shelton and assistants (Jerry Beiter, Andy Nagley, and Tim, Greg, and Robert Taylor) cut down 10 dead trees. Other volunteers (Kristen Bobik, Steven Browning, Kevin Dandy, David Fleming, Karen Knight, Robin Kolko, Rich Rosenberg, Stephen Sapp, and Rosemary Welch) pulled weeds in the rain garden and next to the RA path to the pool. Stephen Sapp and Steven Browning planted 2 seedling trees adjacent to the parking at the end of Lakespray Way. See more photos below.

  • Steven Browning painted the white ventilation pipes in the rain garden green so they would be less obtrusive. 

  • Marilyn Bursch trimmed carexes and ferns, and she and William Jones put down mulch in areas adjacent to the rain garden.

  • Peter Stone (11106 Lakespray Way) has removed poison ivy in several locations in Lakeport as well as vines growing around trees.

  • Meadows Farms has agreed to replace five dead plants in Triangle Park, two next to the rain garden, and two next to the RA path to the pool.

  • Complete Landscaping applied FlightControl on May 31, which we hope will dissuade the geese from eating our grass. They also treated Lakeport’s crepe myrtle trees for crepe myrtle bark scale. 

  • The landscape designer at Complete Landscaping will be submitting a proposal for a pollinator garden next to the Lakeport dock between the right-most bed of roses and the large bed across from the corner of the dock (this area is currently just tiny stubs of grass due to the geese). In addition to providing colorful blooming flowers in a key area of Lakeport and attracting bees, butterflies, and birds, we hope that it will also serve as a physical and visual barrier to further discourage geese from eating the adjacent grass. 

  • Chevy Chase Land Management Company said that they would remove the large dead chestnut oak near the wood rail fence by the Safeway access road. That will be very helpful to our budget.


  1. All efforts of the Landscape committee are greatly appreciated in maintaining the great look of the community. Thank you! However, how do these new enhancements align with the budget? Are there enough funds to cover other maintenance costs or will the board propose an increase of assessment fees in September due to a shortage of funding? We never get to see the actual financials, just the budget numbers and be sure not to be hit by surprise during the next annual meeting.

  2. All efforts of the Landscape committee are greatly appreciated in maintaining the great look of the community. However, how do these new enhancements align with the budget? Are there enough funds to cover the other maintenance costs or will the board propose an increase of assessment fees in September due to a shortage of funding? We never get to see the actual financials, just the budget numbers and be sure not to hit by surprise in the next annual meeting.

  3. All efforts of the Landscape committee are greatly appreciated in maintaining the great look of the community. However, how do these new enhancements align with the budget? Are there enough funds to cover other maintenance costs or will the board propose an increase of assessment fees in September due to a shortage of funding? We never get to see the actual financials, just the budget numbers and be sure not to hit by surprise in the next annual meeting.
